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Image by Mark Tegethoff

Find Your Magical Creature


Magic Sword .jpeg

Vorpal, La dame du Lac-ish, personality, rustic-no, edgy

You are astonished when no one will acknowledge themselves to be your father.  Your friends are amazed that you can speak but disappointed when they find you have nothing to say.  You look good when strapped to a waist.  For some reason, people seem to want to hide you away or bury you in a block of ice, stone or iron.

Magic Sword

Magic Sword

Louis Sauvain-08.png

Falx - Sickle

You demonstrate a grave tendency toward limitation, restriction and judgement.  You are very depressed.  Your attempt to bring meaning and structure to your life reminds us of the limits to time and matter.  If you are not too tired, you evidence a commitment toward responsibility and boundaries.  Your friends consider you boring.  However, when you wield the keen-bladed instrument of self-control, meaning and dedication—responsibility and discipline fly out the window. . .

Falx (Sickle)  Sharp, curvy, hands-on, anti-grass, castratatory. Rings and half circles in crops seem consequential to you for some reason.  People you know who may be important are polite to you to your face.  You have a little brother/sister complex in association with Iovus, largest of your litter.  Your claim of vital assistance in helping him push all heavenly bodies to where they should be on an every-other-turn basis goes largely spurned or simply draws blank stares.  You favor raspberry kringle for Break-fast.

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