Find Your Magical Creature
Shy, dendrophilic, branching out, barked shins, deeply rooted
Considering the necessity for the constant presence of your tree, you must grapple with the contemplation of a lifetime of menage a tois-type relationships. Will you be ready? Expect to frequently be confused with Naiads, Oreiads, Maenads et al. Always reach out to others.
Granum - Grain
You enjoy morning-times more than most. Your greatest challenge is whether to have raisons or no raisons. Kind, considerate, you may find yourself drawn to the question of the existence, or not, of yearly cycles. . .
Granum (Grain) Amber-waved, tasty, annual, nutritious, starchy. You will be assailed from time to time for your possible role in the destruction of the entire Hunter-Gatherer Society, leading to the subsequent weakening of the whole species. It’s all on you. (See below for what to do if your house is stoned.) Otherwise, you love babies.